Honing Machine | MSD-H-20/30/40/50

Honing Machine | MSD-H
Honing Machine | MSD-H
A sturdy 2” x 4” tubular frame in lengths built to your specifications (5ft. increments).

The honing head consists of a linear bearing slide with a vertical adjustment of 17 inches and a hydraulic drive motor that will accept any honing tooling.


The electrical package incorporates the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), step down transformer, relays, motor starter and push buttons into a functional and conveniently located enclosure.

Honing Machine
Drive Unit
Hydraulic System
Honing Head
Electrical Package
Cylinder Section Frame
Oil Pump System
Variable Voltage Clutch

We designed our cylinder honing equipment with the hydraulic rebuilding shop in mind.

Its design ensures that the hone is ergonomically friendly and environmentally safe.

Portable Hand Hone | MSD-H-PHH

Portable Hand Hone | MSD-H-PHH​
Portable Hand Hone | MSD-H-PHH​

Hand honing can be a practical and economic alternative to machine honing. We have developed a portable honing system that will insure proper honing oil flow, filtration and containment.


A continuous oil flow removes the spent abrasive and material. If this material collects it causes excessive stone wear and stone glazing. A good finish can only be attained with clean oil and the lubricity the oil supplies.

Portable Hand Hone
Liftable Shield
Flexible Magnetic Base
Good Flow Return
Portable Hand Hone Drive

Hand-honing can be a practical and economic alternative to machine honing. Machinery Service & Design has developed a portable honing system that will ensure proper honing oil flow, filtration, and containment.